Premium Pricing

View our pricing plans for DocDecoder Premium.

Free forever

See what DocDecoder is capable of, for free.

$0 /month
  • View unlimited existing summaries
  • 2 summary tokens every month
  • Access to AI assistant
  • Consent label notifications
Install for Chrome


Access to all features of premium, billed monthly.

$7.99 /month
  • View unlimited existing summaries
  • Unlimited summary creation
  • Access to AI assistant
  • Consent label notifications
Get Started


Access to all features of premium, billed yearly.

$79.99 /year
  • View unlimited existing summaries
  • Unlimited summary creation
  • Access to AI assistant
  • Consent label notifications
Get Started

📜 Unlimited Summary Creation

Generate as many summaries as you want, with no limits.

🤖 AI Assistant

Ask GPT-3 anything about a policy.

AI Assistant Demo GIF

📩 Consent Label Notifications

Recieve a notification reminding you to check the extension whenever you're on a page that's asking you to accept a policy.

*Notifications can be optionally turned off in your account settings.