Microsoft Clarity Terms of Use

Read our summary of Microsoft's Clarity Terms of Use.


  • Binding arbitration and class action waiver limit your ability to sue Microsoft in court.
  • Microsoft can terminate your access to the service at any time for any reason.
  • You must be 18 years or older to use the service.
  • You cannot use the service for content related to healthcare, financial services, or government-related information.
  • You have a nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable, and limited right to use the service for internal business purposes.
  • The service may include third-party applications subject to their own terms.
  • You may not be able to access data used in the service when it stops running or when the terms terminate.
  • Microsoft can change the service at any time, which may affect your ability to use it.
  • Microsoft may charge fees for the service in the future.
  • You must comply with all domestic and international export laws and regulations.
  • Microsoft is not obligated to provide support services for the offering.
  • You must indemnify Microsoft for any claims arising from your use of the service.
  • Microsoft disclaims all warranties and limits its liability to $5.00 in direct damages.
  • You cannot reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the service.
  • You must notify Microsoft immediately if there is a data breach affecting personal data.
  • Microsoft may reference you as a user of the service in marketing materials.
  • Your duty to protect confidential information survives the termination of these terms.
  • You cannot disclose confidential information to third parties for five years after installation.
  • The laws of Washington state govern these terms, except for arbitration matters governed by the FAA.
  • You must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances.

Data Collection

  • Unique user ID
  • Mouse movements
  • Performance data about specific web pages
  • Statistical data about your use of the service
  • Personal data of individuals accessing your website

Things to watch out for

  • Your account can be terminated at any time for any reason.
  • Binding arbitration and class action waiver limit your ability to sue Microsoft in court.
  • Microsoft can change the service at any time, which may affect your ability to use it.
  • You may not be able to access data used in the service when it stops running or when the terms terminate.
  • You must indemnify Microsoft for any claims arising from your use of the service.


What happens if Microsoft changes the service?

Microsoft can change the service at any time, which may affect your ability to use it. If any modification is unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to stop using the service.

Can I use Microsoft Clarity for healthcare or financial services websites?

No, you cannot use the service in connection with content that may contain sensitive user materials, such as healthcare, financial services, or government-related information.

What data does Microsoft Clarity collect?

Microsoft Clarity collects a unique user ID, mouse movements, performance data about specific web pages, statistical data about your use of the service, and personal data of individuals accessing your website.

(Last updated: 28th July, 2024)

Original document

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