OnlyFans Terms of Service

Read our summary of OnlyFans's Terms of Service.


  • OnlyFans can modify the Terms of Service at any time without notice.
  • Subscriptions automatically renew unless you cancel them.
  • Your rights may vary depending on your location.
  • Disputes must go through mediation before any claims can be brought against OnlyFans.
  • OnlyFans can change, suspend, or deactivate the platform at any time.
  • OnlyFans is not responsible for any loss or damage from how or where you view adult content.
  • You are legally responsible for all content you upload.
  • OnlyFans can remove content that violates their Terms of Service.
  • OnlyFans can suspend or delete your account for any reason with 30 days' notice.
  • OnlyFans can withhold Creator earnings if they suspect any fraudulent activity.
  • OnlyFans is not liable for any loss of profit, business, or revenue.
  • OnlyFans can disclose your information to third parties as per their Privacy Policy.
  • OnlyFans can use your content for any purpose permitted by law.
  • Creators are responsible for their own tax affairs and compliance.
  • All transactions are processed in USD, and currency conversion fees may apply.
  • Creators must set a monthly subscription price for their Fans.
  • Creators must provide additional age or identity verification information when requested.
  • Creators must act as custodians of records for all content uploaded.
  • OnlyFans can use technology tools to review content for policy violations.
  • OnlyFans may use recommender systems to display Creator accounts on your home page.
  • OnlyFans does not guarantee that the platform will always be available or accessible without interruption.
  • OnlyFans may change third-party payment providers at any time.
  • OnlyFans can communicate with you via emails and messages posted to your account.
  • OnlyFans owns all anonymized data related to your use of the platform.
  • OnlyFans can change the platform from time to time for any reason.
  • Creators must clearly label advertising content and AI-generated content.
  • Creators can delete their accounts, but subscriptions will remain active until they expire.
  • OnlyFans is not responsible for the availability of the internet or any issues with your hardware or software.
  • OnlyFans is not responsible for lost, stolen, or compromised user accounts.
  • OnlyFans is not responsible for the circulation of content recorded in breach of the Terms of Service.
  • OnlyFans is not responsible for any unauthorized activities or payments resulting from compromised accounts.
  • OnlyFans is not responsible for any disclosure of your identity or personal information by other users.
  • OnlyFans is not responsible for any failure or delay in complying with the Terms of Service due to events outside their control.
  • OnlyFans can use any part of your Creator earnings to offset any harm or loss they suffer due to your breach of the Terms of Service.
  • OnlyFans can terminate your account if you commence proceedings against them.
  • OnlyFans can disclose information or records about your use of the platform to law enforcement agencies.
  • OnlyFans can use your content to submit notifications of infringement on your behalf.
  • OnlyFans can review any suspected or alleged misuse, abuse, or unlawful use of the platform.
  • OnlyFans can use technology tools to detect and remove content that violates their policies.
  • OnlyFans can use your content for improving the features and functionalities of the platform.
  • OnlyFans can change the Terms of Service to reflect changes in applicable laws and regulations.
  • OnlyFans can change the Terms of Service to address a risk to the platform, users, or relevant third parties.
  • OnlyFans can make other changes to the Terms of Service and notify you so you can delete your account before the changes take effect.

Things to watch out for

  • OnlyFans can modify the Terms of Service at any time without notice.
  • Subscriptions automatically renew unless you cancel them.
  • OnlyFans can suspend or delete your account for any reason with 30 days' notice.
  • OnlyFans can withhold Creator earnings if they suspect any fraudulent activity.
  • OnlyFans can disclose your information to third parties as per their Privacy Policy.

AI recommendations

When using OnlyFans, be aware that the Terms of Service can change at any time without notice. Make sure to regularly check for updates to stay informed. If you subscribe to a Creator, remember that subscriptions automatically renew unless you manually cancel them. Creators should be cautious about the content they upload, as they are legally responsible for it and OnlyFans can remove content that violates their policies.

Be mindful of the potential for OnlyFans to suspend or delete your account, especially if they suspect any fraudulent activity. Additionally, understand that OnlyFans can disclose your information to third parties according to their Privacy Policy. Always ensure your account information is secure to avoid unauthorized activities or payments.


Can OnlyFans change the Terms of Service without notifying me?

Yes, OnlyFans can modify the Terms of Service at any time without notice. It's important to regularly check for updates.

What happens if I don't cancel my subscription?

If you don't cancel your subscription, it will automatically renew for additional periods of the same duration, and you will be charged accordingly.

Am I responsible for the content I upload to OnlyFans?

Yes, you are legally responsible for all content you upload to OnlyFans. Ensure that your content complies with the Terms of Service and all applicable laws.

(Last updated: 04th August, 2024)

Original document

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